I wouldn’t say that I am the most organized person. I have my own lazy way of organizing things. For instance I have a phone list and important papers in a pile on top of my filing cabinet. I guess I could file them, but I tend to lose things when I try to get organized. I also have a pile of papers of various bible studies and devotionals on top of my computer for when I get inspired to work on them. I think the weirdest of my organizational talents is the plastic ziplock bag that I have on top of my entertainment center. This is where I have my most valuable trinkets. Inside of this bag I have my fathers gold watch with the small dimonds on the face. I also have a large gaudy gold cross fashioned in the shape of two nails and in the middle of it is a dimond ( also my fathers). I have two old fashioned gold pocket watches from my grandfather. Now I am trying to determine WHAT DO I DO WITH THE RING!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to store it on my left hand next to my pinky finger. I had been storing it there for almost 13 years and now what do I do? Do I put it with my other trinkets of inside of the ziplock bag? Do I bury it in the sand, throw it in the lake, swallow it, sell it, give it away, melt it and fashion it into something new? WHAT DO I DO WITH THE RING??!! It was the symbol of my love and devotion to my wife. Now it seems to be s symbol of failed love. Do I want to keep it around!? Do I want to keep it as a constant reminder of what it used to be or of what it has turned out to be? It was a symbol of promise, a symbol of love, a symbol of devotion, a symbol of security, a symbol of a covenant between a man and wife (to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part). WHAT DO I DO WITH THE RING!? I feel like my X-Wife gave up on me. I loved her so much, but I was unable to break loose from my sin. Then when I finally broke free from my sin and have peace in my heart and peace with GOD my divorce became final. The irony of it all is when I finally was able to love and to cherish her, that was when I lost her. WHAT DO I DO WITH THE RING? O Lord I thank you that you always hear me and you are my shelter and my strength in times of great despair. Heal my heart Lord Jesus protect me and guide me by your Holy Spirit. I know this divorce did not take you by surprise and that you will work it out for good (Romans 8:28). “The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed” (Psalms 34:17-18).