2/22/10 Haven’t been sleeping well . I feel like I'm on a downward spiral. I average 4-5hrs a day of sleep and my jaw is tired from grinding my teeth. Lately I have been doubting that xxxx and I will ever get back together. From all outward appearances it looks like it’s over, but you lord have been speaking to me lately in my daily devotionals. You speak of waiting patiently on you lord and that you answer prayers. You also have been speaking to me about faith that can move mountains. I was just doing a daily devotional in Streams in The Desert. Psalm 37:4-5 “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.”
Doing a simple concordance word study it can also be interpreted as:
delight = to be soft, be delicate or be dainty. He will give= to give, put, or set. Hearts desires=request or petition. Commit=roll together. Everything=of course of life or of moral character (fig.). Trust=to cause to trust or make secure. He will help you=act with effect. This verse can also read: 1. Take delight(be delicate) in the Lord, and he will give(set )you your heart’s desires(request). Commit(roll together) everything(course of life or moral character) you do to the Lord. Trust(make secure) him, and he will help you(act with effect). 2.2.I should be delicate or take great care in the Lord because he is the one who sets into place my requests. I need to combine my life and moral character for the Lord. When I am secure in him, he will act with effect. Lord God I pray in Jesus name that you will restore my marriage. I believe that you created this desire in me and that one day xxxx and I will become one flesh again. I give you my life and all my character defects. I believe in faith that you will bring back my marriage from the dead. I thank you and praise you in Jesus name.
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